Bowling for madducks

A long time ago, I had the idea of improving the interface between shell completion and the programs being completed. The result of this was the bzr shell-complete command (or bzr s-c for short), which was never fully fleshed out, and has since fallen into disrepair.

The principles behind this are + the program is the best place to store up-to-date and accurate information + the program already knows all these things (albeit usually in unparseable forms) + duplicating information and effort is annoying

Here is an excerpt from bzr s-c, which was intended to give a comprehensive list of subcommands, paired with short descriptions:

diff:show differences in the working tree, between revisions or branches
export:export current or past revision to a destination directory or archive
get:create a new copy of a branch
help:show help on a command or other topic
ignore:ignore specified files or patterns
ignored:list ignored files and the patterns that matched them
info:show information about a working tree, branch or repository
init:make a directory into a versioned branch

There is one subcommand per line, separated from its description by a colon. Next you can invoke something like bzr s-c diff to get the possible options and arguments for the diff subcommand, although the output you would see today is broken and nearly useless.

Since I've lost faith in bzr, I'll illustrate what the output might be corresponding to topgit's tg remote if topgit supported this kind of thing:


This would mean that tg remote can understand the option --populate, which takes no argument, and that the first non-option argument should be a REMOTE.

REMOTE would then be defined, for example, in zsh's _topgit function as some kind of git remote which is completed in the same way you might complete a git remote for git.

The exciting part then, is that if tg remote starts taking a --decimate option, the topgit completion helper subsystem will start outputting it and _topgit will do the right thing without having to be altered.

For tg export, things are a bit more complicated, so let's have it be described in the style of the zsh completion system:

'(--collapse -b --branch)'{-b,--branch=}':branches:BRANCHES'

This means that --collapse and --quilt are exclusive, that -b and --branch cannot be used with --collapse, that -b and --branch are equivalent, that -b and --branch take an argument in the form of BRANCHES, that --collapse takes an argument in the form of BRANCH, and that --quilt takes an argument that's a real directory in the filesystem.

Then _topgit would have logic to interpret BRANCH as a branch, and BRANCHES as a comma-separated list of branches.

A similar idea is the one used by axp. If you invoke axp self completion zsh, it will output zsh completion functions for you. To me this seems more onerous on both the developers and the end users, but I suppose it gives you immediate flexibility that a more generic interface would lack.

Posted on 2008-11-11
Tags: quanks, bzr, topgit, completion, zsh, madduck, battlefield, casino, royale