Wicking and vents

There are certain people who are NIH-prone. Usually I consider this insane, but sometimes I sympathize. Certainly I have pulled a NIH once or thrice before.

Maybe I'm one of those old curmudgeons who incorrectly remembers the past, but I have the feeling that software used to work a whole lot better. Admittedly it did less, but it was also less prone to weird semi-failures. I am probably repressing a bunch of kernel oopses in the '90s.

Now though, I can waste a week and a half being miserable as SIP clients fail on me erratically, because I hate Twinkle and no one thought to tell me that Twinkle is really the only SIP client that works.

The interoperability of CalDAV and GroupDAV servers and clients seems to be abysmal. The same even appears to be true of plain ol' WebDAV.

There are multiple forks of Markdown. I blame John Gruber for not maintaining a strong-enough central standard.

No working LUKS-encrypted live images appear to exist in the wild.

The only reliable and useful backup software for my needs was abandoned in 2008.

Everything in Rails is bloated and crazy, except for Redmine. How is Redmine able to transcend? I do not understand.

There is no way you can run an Android phone on only free software.

freeswitch is on crack.

Posted on 2011-01-24
Tags: ranticore, software, nih