The Colbath-Kelleher Twining

Melissa was complaining that I was being nice for the wrong reasons. Several responses came to mind but I instead focused my attention on the man insisting that I had not paid for use of the sushi buffet. Technically, he was correct, but as I had just now learned of the sushi buffet's existence from him, I did not consider this to be a problem by any stretch.

Condescendingly, he attempted to give me an out. Perhaps I took a piece of sushi without realizing it and would like to suddenly remember right at that moment. He seemed unconvinced by my denials. I asked him why exactly he thought I had taken sushi from his precious buffet. Melissa became increasingly more fretful. I was losing patience with both of them, and I was tempted to ask her where her husband was just to cause an explosion, but I knew that that probably was not the right way to escape this situation.

Fahd passed by, and was no help at all.

Posted on 2009-11-30
Tags: mintings